Waste-Free Gift Wrapping!

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By now hopefully you’ve got at least *some* of your shopping done. And bravo to those who are done, done! Getting ready to wrap my gifts last year is what really inspired my desire look at how much we throw out after a single use and to make changes in our home across the board. It’s no secret the holidays can be unnecessarily wasteful, so in an effort to reduce that I’ve got some easy (like, really easy), super cute and low-to-almost-no-waste gift wrapping ideas for you! These took me no time at all and are made with things I had at home that can be reused!

Wine Bottle

This is the standard gift we all give to at least a few people each year. Typically in the standard gift bag from the dollar store, that will be tossed out once opened. Well how about this for a step-up!? This was done with a large white vintage napkin my Ma picked up at an antique sale. It has a subtle damask pattern on it that is quite beautiful, but really any large napkin or piece of cloth will do. I followed Jenny W. Chan’s video on the Japanese technique of Furoshiki. It is SO easy, and turned out really beautiful, I think. Once given, the napkin or piece of cloth can be used all kinds of ways around the house, the tree clippings can be composted, the elastics can be reused and the ornament can go on the receiver’s tree!

What You’ll Need:

  • 1 large napkin or piece of cloth (about 26 inches x 26 inches)

  • 2 Elastic Bands

  • Tree Clippings (I used cedar and pine)

  • 1 Ornament

Small Gift

Again using the Japanese Furoshiki style of wrapping with cloth, I used a large festive dishtowel to wrap this gift. This is the video I followed . It suggests a large square piece of fabric, but the rectangular dishtowel I used worked perfectly, so play around with what you have. I also didn’t use ribbon because it didn’t need it. I took me about 2 mins to do and there is ZERO waste at all!

What You’ll Need:

  • 1 new large dishtowel

  • Tree Clippings (I used cedar)

  • 1 pinecone

Larger Gift

When I saw this idea of wrapping with newspaper, I couldn’t believe I hadn’t thought of this before! Newspaper is super accessible, recyclable and the black and white is such an easy neutral to dress up with little accents. Best of all it can be used on gifts small or large! The only waste here is the tape used to seal it up. This little Santa hat ornament is vintage. You can find them year round at garage sales or vintage markets. I love giving ornaments by adding them to the gift-wrapping. It’s like a little memorable and meaningful cherry on top.

What You’ll Need:

  • Newspaper

  • Twine

  • Tree clippings (I used pine)

  • Tape

  • Ornament

So there you have it! A few simple, affordable and virtually waste-less options to wrap your gifts this year. If you have any other conscious wrapping ideas I’d love to hear them!

Big love,


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