Miss Marigold – An (almost) 14 Month Update

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Our sweet baby girl is almost 14 months and I thought I’d share with you how she’s been doing and what she’s been up to!

The biggest change is that Goldie girl is on the MOVE!  She started to crawl about 2 weeks ago after working so hard to figure it out.  Since about Christmas she was doing this kinda army crawl thing in the living room and then when we’d put her down in her crib she used it as a training facility to master getting up on all fours; rocking her bum back and forth.  I find watching a baby learn truly fascinating and because we’ve been staying safe at home for a long time now I’ve really felt I’ve had the chance to be present in the moments of her development.  When she finally made those first few crawls we all clapped and cheered her on.  She had the biggest, proudest smile on her face!

I follow a few people who have babies close in age to Marigold and some of those babies are full-on walking and have been for a while.  So, when she wasn’t crawling by a year I’ll admit I started googling if it was anything to be concerned about. I knew it my gut that the answer was no, and it was a good reminder that babies all develop and hit those milestones differently. My own 2 babes are a good example of just that because apart from sharing our DNA, they really could not be more different.

We had a weird food phase where Marigold went on what felt like a food-strike; spitting out just about everything except her beloved blueberries.  I shared what was happening on my stories and you guys came through with such great tips and advice.  The culprit was most likely teething as she went back to eating really well once her first top tooth cut through.  We started giving her a fork to feed herself and that also really helped her interest in food again.  I’ve learned not to worry if she doesn’t eat a lot at every meal.  Sometimes lunch is when she’s the hungriest, sometimes it’s dinner.  Like adults, her hunger fluctuates.  She’s all but given up on any signing.  She had the hang of “more please” for a bit but now she just prefers to grunt and point to what she wants.  We’re still keeping at it and showing her the signs (eat, drink, more, help, all done) several times a day because we found it so helpful with Bea to mitigate some of the frustration (and whining) babies can feel when trying to communicate.

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I have to say as much as I love and miss a snuggly, chest-sleeping newborn, I forgot how FUN and cute this age is.  Marigold says “hi” to us countless times a day.  My favourite is when I go to get her out of her crib.  As soon as I open the door, before I’ve even turned on the light I hear ‘hiiii.”  Or if I’m playing with Bea or talking to RG she’ll peek her head around to get in my face and say “hiiiii”. It is the cutest thing in the world. 

She’s still on 2 naps a day (hallelujah!) with a 7am wake time and a 6:30 pm bedtime. We sleep trained her at 16 weeks and she’s been an all-star sleeper ever since.

Finally, the best part of our lives right now is watching the girls play together. Bea is such an amazing and attentive big sister and it makes me so happy to see them engaging with one another.  Bea is by far Marigold’s favourite person, and when Marigold isn’t putting Bea’s toys in her mouth, the feeling is very mutual. 

Thanks for following along and sharing in our little family.  I hope you and yours are keeping well and staying safe.


Big Love,


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