Spring Family Update

Photo 2021-06-06, 11 37 07 AM.jpg

We’ve been back city living for a couple months now so I thought I’d give you an update on how the Grahams are doing!

All made up and ready to roll from our bedroom..  Or as we now call it “Studio G”

All made up and ready to roll from our bedroom.. Or as we now call it “Studio G”

I started back to work in April and I have loved being back with my TV family. Even though we’re still working from home just hearing their voices over the intercom we use to shoot with everyday brings me such joy. I didn’t realize how much I missed having something for me; a purpose outside of the girls. It’s been a learning curve for sure, mostly with the technical side of things. I am not the most tech savvy of people so thankfully our team is enormously patient with tech issues and hallelujah for Randall being home to help out when things go sideways. If you’ve watched us from home, first of all, thank you. Secondly I feel compelled to share what a feat it is to make television in this way! I’m truly blown away by our entire production team each and every day. I start my day with the girls getting breakfast going and clothes on and hair brushed. Then I do the same for me to get ready for the show. For all of you who’ve asked: yep, I do my own hair and makeup every day. I’ve also had a lot of people asking where I’m shooting everyday. That’s actually our bedroom. I welcome Canada into our room each and every night. What strange times we’re living in.

Bea heading out to school for the day!

Bea heading out to school for the day!

It took a good month for us as a family to find our groove and rhythm for the day but we’ve hit our stride now (for the most part). Mornings, dinner time and bath time are chaotic but that’s nothing new. Bea is back in school which has been such a blessing. She attends a Montessori school and her class was able to stay in-person during this last stay-at-home order here in Ontario. I know this isn’t the reality for most parents, and I recognize how privileged we are to have this option. She returned in April and it took a couple of weeks for her to adjust after being at home with us all day for a year. She is absolutely thriving and is working so, so hard learning to read. Being around other kids after a year without that kind of social interaction has been really beneficial for her. She has become so beautifully aware of the world around her and has shown such empathy and compassion for others. Even typing this is making me cry. We have a community fridge in our neighbourhood and she asks every day if we can go there to bring food to our neighbours. She carefully places each item in the fridge and says “here you go neighbours, I hope you enjoy this pasta/tuna/eggs/fruit.” She is such a kind and beautiful little soul.

Onto Miss Marigold! This baby absolutely killlllssss me. She is feisty, strong willed, curious, mischievous, hilarious and so incredibly sweet. We lovingly call her Wreck It Ralph because she’s forever throwing things and well, wrecking them. She’s at that stage where she is into EVERYTHING. The garbage, the cupboards, the laundry hamper, Bea’s Barbie DreamHouse and on and on. I forgot how dangerous babies can be to themselves at this age! I get asked “is she walking yet?” a lot. And I’ll be honest it gives me a little pang of panic when I respond “not yet.” I know she’s working on it and she’ll figure it out but I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t googled “delayed walking” at 3am a dozen times. We’ve talked her doctor and at this point, it’s just a matter of Marigold taking a little longer to figure it out. She’s pulling herself up on everything these days and loves to be upright like the rest of us. Without putting any pressure on it, I feel like those first steps are imminent. It’s easy for any of us to compare ourselves or our children to others. This has been a great reminder that all babies develop at their own pace. Goldie lovessss people and says “hi” and “bye” to every single person we pass on the street. Her outgoing nature surprised me at first because she was so isolated from the world for the first year + of her little life! She is absolutely obsessed with Bea who she calls “Baba.” All day it’s “baba, baba, baba.” They are beginning to play together and I give full credit to Bea for being so patient with her little sister who doesn’t know how to share and isn’t always gentle. (We’re working on it!)

And finally to our rock RG. Through all the changes this last little while he has been steady and calm and much more patient than me. He’s always up for whatever fun the girls want to get into and (almost) always says yes to whatever show it is I want to watch. I’m amazed at how he can work through ANYTHING. There could simultaneously be a screaming baby, an annoying musical kids toy on repeat, the timer going off on the stove, someone ringing the door bell and Bea asking a million questions and he’s able to do his job. His focus and ability to tune out all the noise around here is one of his superpowers.

So that’s what’s been happening in the land of the Grahams! I’m working on a few posts in the next little while, one on my makeup routine as I’ve been asked about it a lot! If there’s anything else you’d like to read about let me know in the comments!

Big Love,
