Fall Family Update


We’re still living up north at our cottage and at least once a week we marvel at how long we’ve been here. Other than a few trips to Toronto for doctor appointments we’ve been here full-time since March. And for now, the plan is to stay. The COVID-19 case numbers are on the rise and this is where we feel the most comfortable right now. Like everyone, being away from our friends and extended family hasn’t been easy, but we have truly enjoyed this time together and are trying to focus on drinking in these moments.


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Many of you have asked what our plan is for Bea and school this year. She turned 4 in July and we were planning on sending her to JK at our local school. Until the pandemic hit. Once we got the information on what this school year would look like for her, we didn’t feel comfortable with sending her to a brand new school. She’s been experiencing separation anxiety and we didn’t want an entirely new environment to exacerbate it. We also opted out of out of our local school’s distance learning program as the virtual school system in Toronto is incredibly overwhelmed and understaffed and we didn’t want to take up a spot in a program we didn’t feel Bea would thrive in. 

She did some zoom lessons last year and her favourite part of that 1 hour a day was closing the screen of the laptop. Online learning just isn’t a great fit for her.  So, if and when the time comes where we feel comfortable with Bea in a classroom, our plan is to send her back to her previous Montessori school. They have very small class sizes as well as very strict practices in place to keep everyone safe. She thrived there last year and loves the teachers, the environment and her friends. In a year where everything was turned upside down giving her a little comfort and familiarity feels like the right thing to do. I am so very aware of how privileged and fortunate we are to have this as an option for our big girl.

For now, we’re working on materials together that her Montessori school provided. We’ve also been using TeachTools (tactile, experiential learning kits created by 2 Moms) and Bea is really into it! She’s also been fascinated by learning about all the bones in the human body and is really into taking pictures with an old camera Randall gave her! 

She’s learning so much about the natural world around us as well.  She was obsessed with the magic of how the seeds we planted in “her” garden turned into food. She’s fascinated by all the critters and creatures we co-exist with and is really enjoying the changing of the seasons.  She is such an inquisitive and curious kid and having a more flexible day with her allows us to meet that need as much as we can. 

She’s also got the hang of many practical life skills like making her bed and clearing her dishes from the table.  All things considered she is doing tremendously well and we are so very proud of her.

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I honestly have no idea how she’s 9 months! Now that we’ve got her on a very regular sleeping schedule, her iOS is pure joy.

She’s exploring new foods and the world around her. She’s also learning to hold a bottle which, which she is eager to accomplish. 

No crawling just yet, which is fine by me because it’s a whole different ball game when babies get on the move! Lots of dadadadada and the occasional mamamama these days. We’re doing the same simple sign language with her as we did with Bea. Back then we found it really helped cut down on the frustration and subsequent whining that happens when babies are trying to communicate their needs. We’re working on signs for milk, more please, drink, eat, all done, and help. She definitely understands eat, drink and more please and has used the sign for milk! 


When I found out I was pregnant and due in January I had planned to go back to work in September after 9 months of mat leave. I was off for 10 months with Bea and once that was up I was ready to go back. This time September seemed like the most natural time to return as we always kick off the new season of etalk right after labour day, and of course TIFF begins that week too.

We’ve all read about the effects this pandemic is having on the working Mom, and in some ways I’m in that category. I needed to be home for my girls, so I pushed my return date back by 3 months.  We didn’t feel comfortable bringing a new child care provider into our home for Marigold, and with Bea not heading back to any kind of physical school until we feel comfortable with it, I needed to be home with her.  I’m thankful I have a workplace who understood my decision to stay home with my kids until January.


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Randall continues to work from home, and I’m constantly impressed by how he’s adapted. It was difficult for him in the beginning. He was working super late into the night, sometimes not coming to bed till 2 or 3 in the morning. But, he’s hit a groove now and has found a more regular schedule.

It is weird learning how your partner works day to day. For example Rg paces. A lot. At first I thought it was stress related but now I know it helps him think. Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. If we’re here much longer, he’ll leave a permanent path on the floor. 

He’s also accomplished a lot of weekend projects like building an outdoor shower (my dream for a long time!) and some beautiful rock work and landscaping around the softub area as well. 

And finally, he’s been jumping in the lake almost every day and claims he’s going to continue to do so till November. Which is laughable.

So, that’s what’s going on in the land of the Graham’s. Taking things one day at a time, learning to be more patient and more present. And taking stock each day of all we have to be grateful for. 

Big love, stay safe and wear a mask,


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